
I met Lori more than 3 years ago, on a bit of a fluke. Friends were starting a regular Pilates trio and had found this great teacher, and invited me to be the "fill in" fourth to round out the trio when someone couldn't make it. I have always been pretty active: I was a swimmer, Iyengar yoga practitioner, runner, hiker, and backpacker, but when I met Lori, I was coming off 8 months of pretty intensive chiropractic treatment for a sacroiliac injury from a car accident. I had never tried Pilates, knew nothing about it, but was willing to give it a try in order to start moving again. It. Was. Hard. But it has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done for myself. Lori has seen me through my sacroiliac issues, a bout with plantar fasciitis, and most recently a snowboarding injury and subsequent shoulder surgery! She's encouraged and enabled me to try ballet classes again for the first time in forty years. I am and will forever be grateful to her for her insight, her assistance, her pushing (just one more and other Pilates lies), her attitude, her knowledge (it is deep), her willingness to adapt, the creative joy and love she brings to every session, and her friendship. I don't ever want another Pilates teacher! I feel incredibly fortunate to have fallen in with Lori years ago and I hope she will continue to agree to share my fitness and movement journey for many more years to come.